There are over 96,000 people living within a 3 mile radius of Park Community Church. Around 79,000 of them do not attend a Christian church of any kind. Our desire is to grow the number of people who not only attend a local church, but more importantly, belong to the local church.

We wholeheartedly believe that Jesus Christ is the way to heaven, and that the local church is where He is most readily met. Therefore, we need more Bible-teaching, Jesus-introducing, neighbor-loving churches to give our city a vision of God.  Because we care about our city and world, we have joined the global church-planting movement and hope to start new churches that start new churches.

Alongside this is a passion to see churches “replanted,” or revitalized – to breath new life into existing churches. We want to see people meet Jesus, and find vitality within the body of Christ – the local church.



In 2018, God led us to send out Matt & Holly Frey, a small team, and financial support to help bring new life to Elmwood Church in St. Anthony, MN, struggling to keep its doors open. Matt joined John Stromberg from Centennial Church (Forest Lake) and Fred Tony of Elmwood to form a new pastoral leadership team, bringing fresh leadership and an infusion of people to help revitalize the church.

We’re so grateful to see God do again what he did here in 2015, and hope for many more. Read more of Elmwood’s story here.


Grafted Church Plant

In the fall of 2023, after returning to Park for a one-year residency, once again we sent out Matt & Holly Frey and a small team to plant Grafted, a church seeking to bring Jew and Gentile together under Messiah Jesus. Grafted gathers on Sundays at 4pm for a worship service and a meal at Wooddale Church Edina Campus (5532 Wooddale Ave, Edina, MN 55424). Find out more at


For more information on church planting, check out a few of the links below, or contact Pastor Andrew for coffee.