
New to Park Dinner
Sun, March 16 | 6-7:30pm
Have you been coming to Park, but still wondering what we’re about? Join us for New to Park Dinner – enjoy a meal, get to know our pastors and dig into Park on a deeper level. Click here to register.
Park in 10
Sun, March 23| Following each service
New to Park? Join us in the Lounge for a brief overview of who we are and how to get connected.
Lenten Contemplative Services
Wednesdays during Lent (March 5 – April 16) | 7-8pm
A time to slow down. Still our hearts. Settle our minds. Clear the clutter. Hear from God.
ParkYouth Flapjack Fundraiser
Sun, March 23 | In between services | The church gym
Eat pancakes and help send our youth to the District Blitz conference in Duluth! Donations accepted at the door.
Vacation Bible School 2025!
June 23rd -26th | 9:30am – Noon | @ Park
Magnified! VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. We hope your kid(s) are able to join us as we discover more about how God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us!
Must be 3 years old and potty trained to attend. Cut off is kids going into 5th grade for Fall 2025.
Cost: $40 per child/$80 max per family.
Click HERE to register.
ParkYouth Winter/Spring Events
Various dates throughout the school year
Do you have a child in 6th-12th grade? If so, we would love to have them join in our ParkYouth activities! Click HERE to view the events calendar.