What we believe about ourselves shapes how we act. The glorious truth of the gospel is that at the cross, Jesus Christ took our sin upon himself and in exchange gave us his righteousness. God grants salvation to those who place their faith in this glorious truth. As a result, we have a transformed identity which allows us to live out a new reality. At Park Community Church we tie everything we do back to who we are in Christ. So while our mission statement has specific activities, they’re only made possible when we remember our identity as members of God’s great family.
Identity & Mission
MISSION | To be and make disciples of Jesus Christ.
VISION | To live as a family of sons & daughters who pursue God, brothers & sisters who practice his ways, and neighbors & witnesses who proclaim his gospel.

Pursue (Sons & Daughters) | God our Father has adopted us, giving us free access to him. We seek to know him and love him through prayer, worship, and the Word.

Practice (Brothers & Sisters) | Jesus has united us to live out his ways. We seek to know and love one another in community, caring for each other’s spiritual and physical needs.

Proclaim (Neighbors & Witnesses) | The Holy Spirit has empowered us to share the gospel in word and deed. We seek to know and love others through community involvement and telling God’s story of redemption.