The Planted Campaign

Planted in the past. Planted in the present. Planted for the future. This has always been the story of Park Community Church. From 1946 to today, a faithful body of believers has called our church home and planted themselves in St. Louis Park with a mission to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

The Story

As a new church, we were blessed to gather and grow in a beautiful and meaningful old church building for the past 10 years. Since 2015, Park Community Church has grown from approximately 150 to 400 people, with a unique burst of growth among kids, youth, and young adults. People from all ages and stages now gather hungry to worship Jesus together – pursuing intimacy, authenticity, and simplicity with God, self, and others.


By God’s grace, the current reality is that our church family is outgrowing its facility. The current building has been changed several times since the 1950s to meet the needs of expanding ministries. We face the same opportunity now.

Campaign Objectives


We will look for ways to honor the past and carry pieces of it forward into our new building—physically and spiritually. We are proud to build the future of Park on its rich history of service and ministry.

As individuals and families step out in faith and give sacrificially to support this campaign, we believe they will experience God’s provision in tangible, measurable ways that will lead to immeasureable spiritual growth.

The local church is God’s chosen vehicle for carrying out his kingdom mission on earth, and he often calls ordinary people to do extraordinary things. We have the opportunity to collectively trust in God, work together and see this goal realized.

We desire that everyone at Park joins this collective effort and gives cheerfully, as they are able and led by the Spirit. While it is essential that we raise the necessary funds, it is equally essential that we do it together as a community. 

Our goal is to raise $9 million — that’s triple the amount we were told we could raise. But we serve a God who can do abundantly more than we can imagine. We believe God will move in our hearts and lead us to a successful campaign. 

Rebuilding in our current location is intentional, as we desire to expand our reach by becoming a refuge and resource for the St. Louis Park community. Beyond Sundays, we envision our new building being utilized seven days a week.

Financial Strategy

The total estimated cost of the new building is $10 to $12 million. We believe that if we raise $9 million as a congregation and combine that with a reasonable loan, we can complete the building project and begin the next chapter in Park’s story.

Your Invitation to Participate

Join with us to make the Planted Campaign a success and build the future home of Park Community Church!

We ask you to:

  • Prayerfully consider making a three-year giving commitment
  • Give above and beyond your regular giving to the church
  • Step out in faith and give sacrificially beyond what is comfortable
  • Pray that God will help you give cheerfully and generously
  • Encourage one another and celebrate God’s provision together

Pledge Form

Click on “Pledge Form” above to fill out the confidential form and make your pledge to the Planted Campaign. Thank you for stepping out in faith to give cheerfully and generously!

New Building Highlights

  • Sanctuary that seats 400–450 people
  • Safe and flexible space for KidsPark
  • Community engagement spaces that are accessible and inviting
  • Multi-purpose room for additional worship and large group activities
  • Visual connectivity to Park’s rich history and legacy
  • Strong neighborhood presence with outdoor spaces and a compelling design


“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” 

Colossians 2:6-7