Find a serving team
We believe each person was made with unique passions and gifts that can be used to impact their community and build up the kingdom of God. Park has serving opportunities for every personality, skill set, and schedule. No matter your age and stage of life, we believe there’s a place for you!
There are many ways to serve at Park! Check out our ministries below, or view our up-to-date list of immediate needs.

Volunteers on our Connections Team help create a welcoming environment, while connecting people on Sunday mornings with one another and the ministries of the church. These are some of the first people our attendees come in contact with at a Sunday service. They greet people before services, help people find seats, hand out bulletins, and take offering.

Volunteers on our Hospitality Team serve behind the scenes preparing and serving pastries and coffee before and after the service.

Volunteers in KidsPark minister to children from birth through 5th grade by providing a safe and nurturing environment for God-centered teaching during the service. They check in kids, lead classrooms, provide assistance to classroom teachers and care for babies and toddlers, partnering with parents in discipleship.

Volunteers in the Production ministry serve behind the scenes of the worship service to ensure a smooth service so that our attendees have a great experience meeting with the Lord and our church. This team is made up of two main positions: sound and media – running live audio and presentation software.

Volunteers on our Music Team use their gifts and abilities to minister to the church body through the expression of worship to the Lord through music. They lead worship for our services through singing or playing an instrument on a rotating team.

Volunteers on the ParkCares team care for the mental and physical health of our church family and neighbors. They work to provide community resources, counseling resources, and financial assistance to those seeking help.

Volunteers on the Finance Team take care of all the financial affairs of our church in the areas of giving and financial stewardship. Counting Team volunteers assist with counting the donations from the worship service. Due to the confidential nature of the role, applicants must be Church Family Members.

The Tech Team is a resource for various ministries, supporting computers, software, networking, website, audio/video editing, etc. This team sets up, maintains, and repairs technical systems to serve the church and carry on our mission.